
saba sushi

this is kyoto style sushi.

mackerel on rice rolled by sea tangle.

i miss kyoto.



I often visit Kawagoe.
it's nice. we can see old buildings.

Rail transport modelling

Today I went to the museum in Sayama.
it's the exhibition of rail transport modelling.
it's very nice.
but i saw the history in sayama,either.
it was very interesting.


At Murakami station

i visited murakami in niigata prefecture on the return way from tsuruoka to saitama.
murakaimi is well-known as the northern edge of tea industry.
tea is subtropical plant. so it's hard to plant in north.
i took joetsu shinkansen from niigata to saitama.
murakami was nice. i recomend you to go.



i visited sakata, and then i went to tsuruoka.
tsuruoka is very nice for sight-seeing.
i don't know why it's not famous.
old town, beautiful scene.......
a lot of things to see.........
the photo is the school of samurai.
a lot of schools for samurai exsited.
but you can see here only now.


Kujira mochi

i ate kujira mochi in yamagata prefecture.
it's very good. i love it.
it's sweet rice cake.
it's not whale. 久しく持ちが良い、久持良(くじら)餅(もち)
it keeps long times.



after i left aizu wakamatsu, i visted yonezawa.
the photo is yonezawa castle.

the flags are famous for uesugi kenshin.
one is dragon, another is vaisravana.
uesugi kenshin believed he was vaisravana.



in this winter i travelled around aizu and yamagata.

i had never been to tohoku district.

i really wanted to visited aizu wakamatsu castle.

this was my first time experience i saw frozen outside water.
the pictures are aizu wakamatsu castle.