

the monument is for a song koujyou no tsuki 荒城の月 in aizu wakamatsu castle.

it means the moon on the ruin of a caste.

the song was written by mixed western and japanese music.

enjoy on youtube.



ninomiya kinjiro

he is ninomiya kinjiro(1787-1856)
you can see his figure in every elementary school all over japan.
of course it was in my school.
it's at odawara station. i often went to odawara when i worked at hot spring spa resort hotel in itoh, shizuoka prefecture.


i encountered mr ryotsu

i lost ex-job for the world economic crisis.

i looked for new work. so i visited kameari for a job-interview.
i didn't pass the interview. but i saw ryo-san inf ront of the station.

once i was told by jobmates" you are ryotsu!!"

because of square face, body shape, short hair.

i may agree in it. i may be otaku,either.


Matsusaka beef and ise ebi(japanese spiny lobster)

i have never eaten matsusaka beef and ise ebi(japanese spiny lobster).
i told my friend it.
he sent me them. they are potato chips.


chocolate parfait

i love chocolate parfait. it's popular in japan.



at nagoya station i ate kishimen. it's a kind of udon. famous in nagoya.

to tokyo i took on local train. i gave up on the way at nagoya. i took super express shinkansen.
it's very comfort. i only sit on the seat and charged mobile phone battery.



this is yoshoku. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C5%8Dshoku
my great grandfather started the restaurants.
now only one is still managed by my relative.
it's nice. i often ate in my childhood.

yoshoku is western influenced cooking in japan.
i heard passengers for long trip on ship were really fed up and eager for japanese taste.
cooks made new recipes. this is the begining of yoshoku.


Sanuki Udon

Udon is our soul food in kagawa prefecture.
we eat udon once in a day in takamatsu.


Marugame castle

this is marugame castle in kagawa prefecture.
the castle tower is one in existing 12 towers built before meiji era.
in meiji era, the government was afraid of rebellion by ex-samurai who lost their positions.
then the government broke a lot of castles. so only a few buildings remain now. you can see a lot. but they are almost rebuilted by reinforced concrete in 5o years.



on the way to takamatsu,i passed through odawara.
i got uirou. it's a sweet like youkan.
uirou means a family name.
family uirou served guests with the sweet.
uiro uri(uiro seller) is one in eighteen best kabuki plays.



this is onigashima.
it's famous as demon island of momotaro(peach boy).
last week i was in takamatsu(my hometown).